

Given that so many lives are changing right now with COVID-19, there is no better time for digital transformation. Almost every company in the world is rewriting the way employees interact and how their operations will function as everyone heads back to work. In many industries, the makeup of your teams will be dramatically changing. This means training and adopting new scheduling practices. This also means finding new ways for employees to interact without constant physical contact. At Inovium we are an Infor Workforce Management (WFM) alliance partner and perform enterprise implementations across a lot of industries. This means we get to see a lot of creative things companies do. Considering everything that is happening, I thought of a few things that a modern digital workforce management platform could do to help.

  • Staggering Employee Start and End Times – Leveraging the right rules and the automated scheduling solutions, companies can optimize employees coming and going in order to avoid large crowds at a time clock where they are needed.
  • Mobility – Anything that can happen on a clock or PC, can now be done on a mobile now. This ensures employees aren’t touching the same equipment other employees are. This makes things safer but also makes your employees more comfortable.
  • Geofencing – Expanding on mobilities, you can now block off your locking areas, ensuring your employees are at the job site or office. This is great in situations where there is concern for employees being where they are supposed to be when they clock in.
  • At Home Access – Going cloud and adopting a digital strategy allowed your teams to seamlessly track their time, attendance, absence and scheduling right from their home PC. Additionally, you can still ensure they are compliance with local and union requirements.

There are many more reasons to adopt a digital workforce management system beyond this but just consider the fact that you likely have a lot of people not working. It’s a much easier time to implement, upgrade or migrate your solution because you are likely going to have to retrain a new workforce or returning workforce to the new status quo. Having modern solutions that automate your demand planning, scheduling, time and attendance is going to make the lives of your employees easier while providing a significant ROI for years to come.

Change is coming and it should definitely include upgrading and enhancing your workforce management software.

Michael Brandt

SVP of Sales and Alliances, Invoium

About Inovium
Inovium is a software services company focused on Workforce Management and was founded in July 2017 to provide agile digital transformation partner options primarily for implementing & supporting Infor CloudSuite™ Workforce Management solutions, for which we are alliance partners for their leading WFM applications.