Cloud Upgrades and Migrations
Agile Solution Driven Consulting
The Cloud is top of mind for companies of all industries and sizes. Many organizations have common questions. Can I optimize Cloud resources while containing costs? Do I need to re-architect my applications as I migrate? Is my data really secure? and how can I accelerate my product development lifecycle?
There are many layers of abstraction and options to choose from including Cloud as Infrastructure (IaaS and PaaS), Cloud Digital and Data Product Development, Cloud SaaS Platforms and Ecosystems, and Hybrid or Multi Cloud Orchestration and Management. Choosing the right Cloud platform and services will have a major impact on your ability to create new and innovative products and to provide an amazing customer experience.

Trusted by clients worldwide.

Cloud can give your organization immediate access to agility, innovation, scalability, performance and reliability that is difficult to achieve with applications and platforms in an on-premise data center.
Inovium offers strategic roadmaps to help upgrade to your Infor footprint to the cloud in an agile predictable manner. We enable your move to the digital workforce with Infor’s later best of breed People Solutions platform!
Our highly experienced experts guide our clients to attaining highly secure and reliable cloud deployments.